Post by B8 on Feb 20, 2007 21:49:54 GMT -5
Why I Like Colorado!
Read on:
From the Denver Post
This text is from a county emergency manager out in the central part of Colorado after todays snowstorm.
Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed
ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to Ten's of Thousands.
FYI: George Bush did not come.
FEMA did nothing.
No one howled for the government.
No one blamed the government.
No one even uttered an expletive on TV .
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.
Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
No one looted.
Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.
No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.
No Sean Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.
Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.
Local restaurants made food and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.
Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.
We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.
Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.
In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate.
It does seem that way, at least to me.
I hope this gets passed on.
Maybe SOME people will get the message.
The world does Not owe you anything!
Post by ŞíŘ on Mar 1, 2007 15:54:18 GMT -5
I absolutely loved this.
Thank you for sharing.
Post by Canadian Nose on Mar 1, 2007 19:54:30 GMT -5
My response to this man, and anyone who chooses to believe this crock of shit, is as follows. I read this and waited 30 minutes. So this is the non angry version. There would be quite a bit more freak's if I had responded right away. Why I Like Colorado! Read on: From the Denver Post This text is from a county emergency manager out in the central part of Colorado after todays snowstorm. WEATHER BULLETIN Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to Ten's of Thousands. Cool! Do they ever? How many of them had snow to their roofs again? And how many were standing on them with no food and water? Oh, did the government tell you that the Snow Storm is fully protected against by a structure that they made, and there was very little chance of any flooding, much less serious flooding occurring because of these structures? Remind me, how many people were in their City Center for how many days without Food, Clothing, Shelter, or Water? Medical Care? Security? Why would they have to yell… Why would they, there was no press coverage. They are media PUPPIES!s. Because, as previously stated, they didn’t wait 5 days for help, and they didn’t get screwed in the ass by a faulty structure. Oh no, Bush, a couple thousand peoples houses has… Snow! Around it! Does snow ruin possessions, affect Over 100,000 people, and destroy cities? Not most times. Maybe because no one freaking earned 2,000 dollar Debit Cards. I got one of these. We spent all of it on clothes. That’s right. We had no clothing. 2 shirts and a pair of jeans, that was the extent of my possessions. And I was a lucky one. Try losing everything, then getting 2,000 dollars. It lasts about 5 minutes. Because there houses weren’t destroyed. You think people want to live in FEMA trailers? They are tight, smelly, and explode randomly due to faulty manufacturing. Maybe because… oh yeah, the city wasn’t inaccessible for 4 freaking weeks. Because it wasn’t the governments fault. Unlike a “Natural” disaster I can think of… Expect Incompetence, get Incompetence? No 2,000 deaths, no 80% of the city destroyed, no snow in their homes 4 weeks after the storm. No abandonment, no Neglect, no shamefulness. Wish we coulda frozen the water for snow. I really do. Oh, kinda like sending boats to save people from rooftops? Or no… As if people in New Orleans did. freak you. How nice, the local resteraunts didn’t get snowed in for 4 weeks then? Lucky aren’t they. I lived in someone elses house for 6 months. No payement. No questions. So freak you again. We fired up… oh wait, the city is still underwater. Oops. Unlike those lazy people in New Orleans. Tell this to my neighbor, a 70 year old woman working at the Post Office. She died in her attic. Guess you cant. Yes. Only the black people were flooded. Bravo for your smarts. Oh, was this the worst Natural Disaster in American History too? Yes. Let the n*****s drown, they just cause “Social Problems” Whats the phrase… freak you. That’s right. freak… you… No. It doesn’t. Because you weren’t protected by The Worlds levees. Gramps. I expect more from you….
Post by Church on Mar 1, 2007 23:03:13 GMT -5
Post by princessfuzzball on Mar 1, 2007 23:28:01 GMT -5
Nose, snow also dosen't seep into the walls and cause worry of rot and mold on such a level that a flood does either. B8, I have to say, I'm disappointed in this post. :/
Post by Chu-Chu on Mar 3, 2007 3:30:13 GMT -5
Yeah, Nose is on the nose with his post....
Post by B8 on Mar 3, 2007 20:44:25 GMT -5
It was a copy and paste of another persons viewpoint, right wrong or indifferent it was a COPY of THEIR POST. Not my viewpoint not my idea.
Creeps come in all types and colors. The caption for the post is a COPY and PASTE of anther persons idea. I never said I agreed with it nor did I say anything else about the post. This thread is about politics and religion, creepy as it may seem this is another persons view.
Speaking of floods we have had the fema thing here also. They were of no help. There was no local help during or after the flood. It was no surprise to me that it happened in New Orleans, and it may happen in New York 'City or Los Angeles or another major city next. Do NOT expect help anywhere you live if there is a disaster. YOu are on your own. The same was true when I lived on the Fox River up in McHenry Illinois. A damn broke and the only thing that they told us was to "Get OUT." That was the only help they gave us then. Advice to run, leave town, get out of the way.
Bah no one understands that the government is not there to help you, they are only there to take your money.
Post by ŞíŘ on Mar 3, 2007 21:15:19 GMT -5
I'm pro-self-reliance and anti-government-accounting-for-everything-in-its-citizens-lives, Which is why I was amused by the OP.
Smaller govt. and smaller taxes are my preference.
Post by Canadian Nose on Mar 4, 2007 0:55:14 GMT -5
Its everyone's prefernce, untill your stuck on a roof somewhere with no food, water, or shelter, and a Coast Guard Heli is the only form of salvation you will get.
Gramps, I dont care if its his viewpoint or not, you titled it "Why I Like Colorado" And reposted hateful opinions. They weren't just bad, they were truly hateful. As I said, my response was adressed to anyone who believed it, but you shouldnt repost hateful opinions unless you can back them up, or support them. Or want to show the creeps. Titeling it with the word "Like" in it probably isnt the smartest thing to do.
*EDIT* Wow my spelling sucks.
Post by ŞíŘ on Mar 4, 2007 13:57:31 GMT -5
They wouldn't have been there if they had taken the initiative to leave after President Bush declared a state of emergency in several Gulf Coast states two days before the hurricane made landfall, or after the National Weather Service alerted people one day before landfall that the hurricane would create "devastating damage" and the area would be "uninhabitable for weeks".
The Coast Guard heli is your only salvation, but only if you don't save yourself before the fact. I can't imagine people not knowing beforehand-- even if they don't own TVs, word has to travel.
Post by Caboose on Mar 4, 2007 16:17:53 GMT -5
The whole idea behind people not leaving the city beforehand is because there were levees. Those levees were supposed to be able to hold all of that. Since the Army Corps of Engineers likes to cut corners, and safety, they broke. Really fast. Corps of Engineers = national government. If those levees had been made to actually withstand it, people wouldn't have had to leave their houses. The people thought the government would at least get simple protection right. But, since the levees could only hold a category 3 storm, they failed. Miserably. It would've been nice if Bush declared a state of emergency. Louisiana and Mississippi governors did. Bush just said that there is an emergency in Louisiana. And that was about it... he too was relying on the levees to hold the water. Instead of doing something to help an underwater city, he was doing this. thinkprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/mccainbirthday.jpgYes, taking pictures with McCain and cakes are much more important than an underwater city. 4 days after the start of it all, the White House finally says that they are aware that the levees didn't work. Well whoopdeedoo. And people tried to evacuate. About 36,000 of them got stuck in the superdome. 700 buses from FEMA were requested to help get everyone out of there. FEMA sent 100. They were notified one day before the storm hit to evacuate. New Orleans itself had almost 500,000 people. It's kinda hard to evacuate that many people within one day.
Post by Canadian Nose on Mar 4, 2007 16:37:46 GMT -5
Many people dont have the resources to get out. Its 18-Hour traffic on Sunday to get across the Lake, thats alot of Gas Money. What if you dont own a car. Or what if you have an old relative that cant be moved. Or refuses to leave.
The city wouldn't have flooded as much, if at all, during Katrina if the leeves would have held. It wasnt a particularly Wet Storm, like Rita was, its just crappy engineering.
My family was not required to have Flood Insurance, like most are who live in Flood Prone areas, because we didnt live in a Flood Prone Area. Yes, According to the United States Government, we didnt live in a Flood Prone Area.
We got 13 feet of Water on our Street, 9 in the House. The Leeves were supposed to hold, and that failure is the entire cause of the Problem. The Corp of Engineers (US Government) is responsible for the Flooding of New Orleans. If I had been old enough to realise that these things protected my house, I would've had some serious questions for the originator of that idea.
If you look at these leeves that Broke, they are practically Mounds of Land with Cement blocks stuck into them, 20 or so feet deep into the Mound.
They suck ass. If you go to the Lakefront, you have these Monster Leeves, 10 feet taller than the other type that broke, completely land, take up Blocks of room on either side. If you take a Bike up to the top, you can reach ~25 MPH going down the side, actually kinda fun. If these leeves had been near the 17th Street and London Canal, they would have held, just like the Lake Leeves held, because they cant break. Its completly possible to protect a city from Flooding, and they're just not willing to do it. Instead of spending the ~15 billion dollars to adequatly protect New Orleans, the Corp got shortchanged and shortchanged us, so they saved Billions of Dollars on the leeves. And now they are spending Hundreds of Billions of dollars (Or are supposed to be, haven't seen much of it down here) rebuilding the Gulf Coast.
Post by ŞíŘ on Mar 4, 2007 16:49:18 GMT -5
The whole idea behind people not leaving the city beforehand is because there were levees. Those levees were supposed to be able to hold all of that. Since the Army Corps of Engineers likes to cut corners, and safety, they broke. Really fast. Corps of Engineers = national government. If those levees had been made to actually withstand it, people wouldn't have had to leave their houses. The people thought the government would at least get simple protection right. But, since the levees could only hold a category 3 storm, they failed. Miserably. It would've been nice if Bush declared a state of emergency. Louisiana and Mississippi governors did. Bush just said that there is an emergency in Louisiana. And that was about it... he too was relying on the levees to hold the water. Instead of doing something to help an underwater city, he was doing this. thinkprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/mccainbirthday.jpgYes, taking pictures with McCain and cakes are much more important than an underwater city. 4 days after the start of it all, the White House finally says that they are aware that the levees didn't work. Well whoopdeedoo. And people tried to evacuate. About 36,000 of them got stuck in the superdome. 700 buses from FEMA were requested to help get everyone out of there. FEMA sent 100. They were notified one day before the storm hit to evacuate. New Orleans itself had almost 500,000 people. It's kinda hard to evacuate that many people within one day. Lesson Learned: Don't trust the government. I'm not sure when the levees were built (I have few sources on the subject and I'm not really in the mood to look for more) but the possibility of their failing should never have been ruled out. IMO I don't think that should have been a job for the Corps. Of Engineers, it should have been maintained by the state government. But that's all in the "what if" and "should've could've would've" territory which is fairly useless discussion. The fact that the Corps was shortchanged in building the levees kind of sucks, but consider the fact that the levees were reinforced in '85, under Regan. The federal govt. was kind of busy at the time. You know, Commies and stuff. But I digress, I'm not a fan of making lots of excuses for the federal government.
Post by Canadian Nose on Mar 4, 2007 17:05:29 GMT -5
Lesson Learned: Don't trust the government. I'm not sure when the levees were built (I have few sources on the subject and I'm not really in the mood to look for more) but the possibility of their failing should never have been ruled out. Imagine this. A nuclear Reactor blows up near your house, a place for the US Government to test bombs and such. They garunteed you it wouldn't explode, and you lived a fair distance from it that they told you that you didnt even need Insurance from such Accidents (assuming its a different kind). Then it blows up. Oops. So they give you no money, and people tell you "Oh well, dont trust the government". You would have half a mind to punch their face. Key words being "useless discussion" And knowing my State Government, they would've fallen during a small gust of wind. Ah yes. Good thing we sold weapons to Iran to fund Contra rebels instead of building leeves. Lord knows we can't do both, and we made the right choice. Yes, that completly justifies the failure of the Corps and absolves them from all responsiblity. "Commies and such", Jesus Christ... You seem good at it.
Post by ŞíŘ on Mar 4, 2007 17:19:28 GMT -5
GG. You might want to get a new one of those. I still wouldn't make it a federal responsibility.
What I said there was an extention of Some other reasons include the fact that the issue of levees only concerns that state, so it should be the responsibility of that state, not the entire nation.
Before I even begin to respond to the first part of your post, I need clarification on "A nuclear Reactor blows up near your house, a place for the US Government to test bombs and such."
A place to TEST BOMBS? I assume you mean making them, not testing them by blowing them up on purpose.